Traditionally, dentists have used titanium (metal) to replace missing teeth with dental implants. Metal has been preferred for its mechanical strength in building long-lasting restorations. Although metal is durable, studies have shown “metal in the mouth” can lead to systematic health issues. As a result, this has led to safer and healthier alternatives to metal.
At Virginia Biological Dentistry, Glen Allen, Virginia, our metal-free policy doesn’t just stop at fillings and crowns. Dr. Olivia Hart and her team offer zirconia (ceramic) dental implants to replace lost teeth or teeth that needed to be extracted. We prefer ceramic implant not just because it’s metal-free — zirconia is a durable and natural-looking material for dental implants, bridges, and other restorations.
The first step is to book a consultation with a biological dentist like Dr. Hart that brings a holistic perspective to evaluate your dental needs. The initial consultation involves examining your oral health and establishing whether your jawbone is healthy enough to support a ceramic implant. If you are an eligible candidate, we schedule an implant surgery right here in our office.
Dr. Hart implements a specific biological protocol in support of successful placement of a ceramic implant immediately after a tooth extraction, to thoroughly clean socket and remove any infection and enhance and speed up healing process.
Your ceramic implant requires a few months to integrate with your jawbone. After fusion through osseointegration, your implant and the jawbone become one structure to provide a stable anchorage to your ceramic restoration. After healing and fusion, the final step is to install a metal-free dental crown, or bridge to restore your teeth for a new, functional smile and more balanced bite.
Ceramic implants have brought hope to patients with metal allergies or sensitivities. These remarkable ceramic wonders have emerged as a preferred choice among holistic dental practitioners, for they can restore teeth without causing bodily harm.
Here are the many benefits of ceramic, zirconia implants.
Please call (804) 381-6238 to schedule an appointment with Virginia Biological Dentistry. We’re looking forward to liberating you from the shackles of metal allergies and sensitivity with ceramic dental implants.