Conventional removable dentures have been the standard of care. Today, those requiring the replacement of many or all teeth have options to choose from at Virginia Biological Dentistry. Rather than assuming dentures are all the same, consider the differences between fixed and removable appliances. In the end, your choice has big implications for confidence and comfort.
The primary difference between removable and fixed dentures is clear. Fixed dentures are attached to anchors or dental implants within the jaw. Removable dentures are like what you may have seen your parents or grandparents wear. If you are familiar with conventional removable dentures, you are probably aware of the problems associated with this type of appliance.
Even today, people tend to choose removable dentures when replacing missing teeth. Certainly, this option seems more affordable than dental implants. The alternative, however, is more accessible than many people imagine. Fixed dentures are stabilized with a few, strategically placed dental implants.
Dental implants are excellent devices for individual tooth replacement, and have been found to be incredibly useful as anchors for a new or existing, well-fitting denture. Made from a biocompatible material, these implants or posts are inserted into the jawbone to replace the lost tooth root and for a stable foundation for dentures.
There are more than a few choices when you are looking for the most suitable teeth replacement. Whereas total replacement with dental implants may be financially out of reach, a combination of implants and dentures can be feasible and make a tremendous difference in your quality of life. Implant-supported fixed dentures don’t rely on suction and snap into place, so there is no rubbing against delicate gum tissue when you chew. Dentures situated on top of dental implants are secure, which means you feel confident when speaking, eating, laughing, and smiling.
Dr. Olivia Hart has years of experience crafting exceptional conventional dentures, and provides metal-free dental implants, either on their own to replace a single tooth or many teeth, or as a complement to the denture appliance. Find your best tooth replacement option with help from your experienced dentist in Glen Allen. Contact us for your consultation today.