In the rapidly changing world of dental medicine, there exists a wide and variable range of dentistry practices and philosophies, from conventional dental procedures to highly technical treatments. At Virginia Biological Dentistry, serving patients in Glen Allen, Charlottesville, and surrounding VA communities, Dr. Olivia Hart and the team believe in offering the latest technologies and equipment, and biological, biological, and conservative approaches.
Serving the needs of families for nearly 30 years, Dr. Hart believes in treating each patient with his or her whole-body health in mind. It’s critical to know patients and understand their goals, family histories, and unique needs. Oral health is intricately woven into overall physical and emotional wellbeing.
This biological and biological philosophy uses only the safest materials and least invasive, pain-free techniques for patients’ long-term wellness. Virginia Biological Dentistry is a mercury-safe practice, following protocols established by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and biocompatible materials work with the human body instead of potentially causing adverse reactions.
Dr. Hart and the gentle, professional team understand the beauty of your smile is as important to your wellness as your overall oral health. That’s why we offer a complete range of cosmetic dentistry options to help you achieve your brightest, healthiest smile. Whether you are experiencing tooth loss or decay, or you are self-conscious about discolored, crooked, or less than ideal teeth, you can have the smile of your dreams with our custom-tailored services such as:
Offering sedation dentistry for your ultimate comfort, Virginia Biological Dentistry is ready to serve the oral health needs of your entire family, at all ages and stages of life. From oral cancer screening for each new patient, professional cleanings and examinations, to treatment and prevention of gum disease, and more advanced surgical procedures, our team is here for you.
Schedule appointments online or call (804) 381-6238. We are conveniently located in Glen Allen, VA at 10446 Ridgefield Parkway.