We see many adults who wish they had their teeth straightened in their youth. Now that they are older, they are worried about the cost of braces along with prospect of spending years in metal brackets and wires. The good news is that we have an affordable, effective solution that can discreetly straighten teeth, often in less time than traditional braces.
Clear braces are a wonderful alternative to traditional braces that can enhance the appearance of the smile by improving alignment. An added benefit to straight teeth is that they are easier to keep clean which can lead to an improvement in oral health.
The clear braces system is different to the traditional bracket and wire system. Clear braces straighten through a series of plastic aligner trays. The trays are digitally designed from images taken of your teeth. The dentist works carefully to map out the desired movement of the teeth in order to achieve proper alignment. Your unique set of trays is then custom-fabricated in a dental laboratory.
The treatment process involves wearing the aligner trays about 23 hours each day. Patients may remove the trays to eat and clean the teeth, but should put them back on as soon as possible. New trays are put in every two weeks as the teeth begin to move in the right direction.
There are many advantages to clear braces; the number one amongst patients is the invisibility. The aligner trays are very discreet, which is ideal for adults who are uncomfortable with traditional braces. Another popular advantage is there are no foods that are explicitly off limits. Patients can simply remove the trays to eat and then clean the teeth thoroughly before placing the trays back on. Lastly, many patients of clear braces enjoy a shortened treatment time compared to that of traditional braces.
Clear braces are ideal for patients who have mild to moderate misalignment. If you are intrigued by the idea of finally having that straight set of teeth, call us today to schedule a consultation and find out if clear braces are the right solution for you.