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Bone Grafts with PRF

Bone Grafts for Extractions, Sinus Lifts, and Ceramic Implant Placements

Bone grafting treatment is often necessary to restore lost bone volume due to tooth loss, trauma, or periodontal disease, making the jaw strong and stable enough for the placement of ceramic implants.

At Virginia Biological Dentistry, Dr. Olivia Hart combines advanced bone grafting techniques aimed at regenerating patients’ own bone tissue with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) derived from their own blood and rich in natural growth factors to promote faster healing and ensure long-lasting results. 

Dr. Hart uses this cutting-edge approach for procedures including tooth extractions, sinus lifts, immediate ceramic implant placements after extractions, and ceramic implant placements in sites missing natural teeth and in case of insufficient bone present. 

We offer three types of bone grafts—synthetic, human, and xenografts—customized for each patient and enhanced with the patient’s own PRF to optimize healing, reduce inflammation, and support tissue and bone regeneration and integration.

Applications of Bone Grafting with PRF 

  • Tooth Extractions: Bone grafts help prevent bone loss after extractions, preserving the jaw structure for future ceramic implants.
  • Sinus Lifts: When bone volume in the upper jaw is insufficient for implants, grafts are placed to support the sinus membrane and encourage new bone growth.
  • Immediate Ceramic Implants: Bone grafts combined with PRF are often used during the same appointment as ceramic implant placement, ensuring a stable foundation for the implant.

How are synthetic bone grafts performed with PRF?

Synthetic grafts are laboratory-made materials that mimic natural bone. When mixed with PRF, these grafts create an optimal environment for bone regeneration, ensuring seamless integration with the patient’s jawbone. It is often used for patients who prefer non-biological graft materials or have concerns about donor tissue.

What are the benefits of synthetic bone grafts?

  • No risk of disease transmission.
  • PRF accelerates tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation.
  • Biodegradable, promoting the patient’s bone to repair and rebuild.

How are human bone grafts (allografts) performed with PRF?

Human allografts are sourced from tissue banks and provide a natural scaffold for the patient’s bone to grow. Combined with PRF, these grafts promote faster healing and ensure better stability, which is especially important for immediate implant placement. It is designed for patients seeking natural materials without requiring a second surgery to harvest their bone.

What are the benefits of human allografts?

  • PRF enhances graft stability and promotes faster healing.
  • Eliminates the need for additional surgery to harvest bone.
  • It effectively stimulates the patient’s natural bone to regenerate.

How are xenografts (animal-derived bone) performed with PRF?

Xenografts, typically sourced from bovine (cow) or porcine (pig) bone, provide a durable scaffold for extensive bone regeneration. When mixed with PRF, these grafts promote quicker recovery and ensure a stable foundation for ceramic implants. It is ideal for patients requiring significant bone restoration, such as during sinus lifts or when jawbone volume is insufficient.

What are the benefits of xenografts?

  • PRF reduces swelling, speeds recovery, and enhances bone growth.
  • Available in large quantities for complex restorations.
  • Thoroughly sterilized to ensure safety and biocompatibility.

Why does Dr. Olivia Hart use PRF with bone grafts?

Dr. Hart integrates PRF with all graft materials to ensure the most natural and effective healing process. PRF’s concentration of growth factors boosts the body’s natural healing, reduces inflammation, and enhances the stability of bone grafts, especially when used during immediate ceramic implant placement.

By blending PRF with synthetic, human, or xenografts, Dr. Hart ensures that each patient receives a personalized, biologically sound solution tailored to their specific needs. This approach helps restore jawbone structure efficiently, whether after an extraction, during a sinus lift, or alongside implant placement.

How can I schedule a consultation visit with Virginia Biological Dentistry?

At Virginia Biological Dentistry, our commitment to biological principles ensures that every procedure is aligned with your health and well-being. If you need a tooth extraction, sinus lift, or ceramic implant placement, contact us at (804) 381-6238 to learn more about our bone grafting options with PRF and schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Hart.

Dr. Olivia Hart

Dr. Olivia Hart
DDS, NMD, IABDM & ICOI Fellow & AAIP Fellow

Dr. Olivia Hart, a founder of Virginia Biological Dentistry and a highly accomplished biological dentist, is honored to serve her community in Glen Allen, Richmond VA. She has always sought to enrich her knowledge in the field of holistic/biological dental health and to offer her patients the best comprehensive dental care possible. Her Virginia Biological Dentistry provides services ranging from biocompatible ceramic restorations, ceramic implants, and extractions with a biological protocol to treatments of sleep apnea, TMJ and other specialized bio-dental services.